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V.Domingo presented the new SOHO Data Access Policy which should be acceptable to all parties involved. This policy is now included in the new issue of the SOP. It reads:
The intent of the SOHO data access policy is to provide data to as
wide a community as possible and as soon as possible. From the
beginning of the operational mission, the scientific community is
welcomed and encouraged to participate in the analysis of the SOHO
data in collaboration with the PI teams. The goal is to make fully
callibrated data available for public use through ESA and NASA
archives one year after reception by the PIs.
In addition to this general policy, the following rules apply:
For each PI team the data distribution, data rights and publication policy
is defined in their Science Book.
All the PIs have the right to access the data of the other SOHO experimenters
for planning purposes in the terms defined in section
For this purpose, each PI will make the data
available according to a mutually agreed schedule.
The SWT will establish rules to be applied to data obtained during agreed
observation campaigns.
Exchange of data acquired during internally coordinated SOHO observations
will be regulated by the cooperating teams themselves.
Bernhard Fleck
Tue Jan 6 15:26:13 EST 1998