The SOHO Recovery Team

This is a photograph of some members of the SOHO recovery team taken at NASA GSFC on September 17, 1998. We are sorry that we could not get everyone in the picture.

Top row:

Bernard Mena (MMS-F), Steve Hall (ATSC), Nick Piston (ATSC), Ed Nace (ATSC), Steve Andrews (MMS-UK), Ingo Kälsch (ESA), Guido Coupé (ESA), Frederic Teston (ESA), Mark Underdown (GSFC), Bernhard Fleck (ESA), Ared Schnorhk (ESA), Luis Sánchez (ESA), Jean-Philippe Olive (MMS-F), Kelly Miller (ATSC), Kimberly Lare (ATSC), Horst Fiebrich (ESA, top), Robert Cantrell (ATSC, middle), Francis Vandenbussche (ESA), Francis Dufrechou (MMS-F), Carrie White (ATSC), John Credland (ESA), Ton van Overbeek (ESA), Bill Worrall (GSFC), Helmut Schweitzer (ESA) and Alan Reth (GSFC).

Bottom row:

Philippe Temporelli (MMS-F), Peter Vanderham (CSC), Michel Janvier (MMS-F), Harold Benefield (ATSC), Herman Williams (GSFC), Philippe Ayache (MMS-F), Ben Berner (ATSC), John Rowe (CSC) and Leigh Gatto (GSFC).

Other members of the recovery team, missing in the photograph, are:

Jay Adams (ATSC), Eric Beaufumé (MMS-F), Paul Beckwith (ATSC), Dave Bernhardt (ATSC), Loic Brett (MMS-F), George Dimitoglou (SOHO/ESA), Tammy Eskin (SAC), Thomas Flatley (GSFC), Chris Ginther (ATSC), Joe Gurman (GSFC), Rob Harris (MMS-UK), Steve Hendry (ATSC), Maryse Hervieux (MMS-F), Ken Hibbard (ATSC), Henry Hoffman (GSFC), Joan Hollis (Raytheon ITSS), Dave Israel (NASA), Robert Jacobson (ATSC), Rob LaVerghetta (ATSC), Robin Lemaster (SAC), Gary Leventry (ATSC), Ron Mahmot (GSFC), Piet Martens (ESA), Eric Mourembles (MMS-F), Philippe Perol (ESA), John Pope (ATSC), Laura Roberts (Raytheon ITSS), Peter Rumler (ESA), Brett Sapper (ATSC), Paramjit Singh (MMS), Frank Stocklin (NASA), Ron Vento (NASA).

ESA - European Space Agency
GSFC - Goddard Space Flight Center
MMS - Matra Marconi Space (F: France; UK: United Kingdom)
ATSC - Allied Signal Technical Services Co.
CSC - Computer Sciences Corp.
SAC - Space Applications Corp.

Last modification: June 04, 2002
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