The Loss and Recovery of the SOHO Satellite

Presentation by P. Brekke given at the Engineering Colloquium at NASA/GSFC

21 September 1999

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Pål Brekke

GSFC: June 25 1998 (07:12 UT)

Presentation overview

The SOHO mission




The SOHO orbit

The SOHO spacecraft


The Solar Corona, Why is it Hot?

Comets observed with SOHO/LASCO

The Solar Wind

Acceleration of the solar wind

SOHO - Solar Watchdog

Geomagnetic Storms

Aurora observed from space

Some effects of CMEs on Earth

Society depends on a large number of satellites

Single Event Upset’s in Satellites

Increased drag on satellites


Satellite tracking problems

Radiation doses for astronauts

Radiation doses is a concern for the Space Station

Effects on Power systems

Damage to Transformers

Signal Scintillation - GPS

Oil and gas pipelines



The Sun and global warming

SOHO Status early June 1998

June 25 1998 - SOHO in trouble

Loss of SOHO

SOHO: Search for the downlink carrier

SOHO: status after the loss of Telemetry

SOHO detected by radar

SOHO Orbit

Getting SOHO to respond

SOHO: batteries charged, first frames of Telemetry

SOHO: batteries charged, first frames of Telemetry

SOHO: Thawing the tank

SOHO: Thawing the pipes

SOHO: Solutions to recover the attitude

SOHO: The attitude recovery maneuver

SOHO Recovery!

Conclusion: SOHO “gyroless” operations

SOHO “gyroless” operations

Current Status

SOHO On the Web

Latest images

New Comet Observed on Friday

SOHO recovery team

Forfatter: Paal Brekke



Last modification: June 17, 2002
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