Report on JOP38 status after Campaign 880 of week2-97 ---------------------------------------------------- for the attention of JOP38 team members and SOC ----------------------------------------------- For week 2, there were SOHO constraints: * for SUMER, door opening and meridian-only observations * for EIT, baking out until the end of the week * Fortunately, MDI had some TM available for Hi-Res studies. CDS program : BPIAS SUMER: Hi_Time_Res (Ne VIII and other lines) MDI: Hi_Res (B, v and cont) EIT: Small FOV No "flag" mode (contrary to August); just wait and stare. Observing dates: 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 (with EIT), 12 (with EIT) January for about 6 hours each For 9, 11 and 12 January, the target was hit as evidenced by EIT images and CDS and SUMER spectra and images! Good statistics in most lines. No quick-look at other data The MDI and EIT participation in the JOP makes the data of special value as compared to the August dataset (a couple of hours only anyway). Data analysis: To be done! More observations? Wait for data analysis But more obsrvations will improve the analysis, essentially statistical. Thanks to all participants Orsay, 23/1/97 j-c vial