The target for the first day of observations for Max Millenium Campaign #6 will be AR 8906, the co-ordinates of which are as follows. Target AR: 8906 on 14-Mar-00 at Yohkoh Pass 4 10:28 UT Heliographic Coordinates : S 16.0, W 1.2 SoHO X-Y : (x,y) = (19".4, -148".1) Yohkoh SXT will track the brightest pixel in the AR, with a (5.'2 x 5.'2) field of view. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The target for Max Millenium Campaign #6 on 15-Mar-00 will be again be AR 8906. The co-ordinates are as follows. Target AR: 8906 on 15-Mar-00 at Yohkoh Pass 3 07:13 UT Heliographic Coordinates : S 15.6 W 13.7 SoHO X-Y : (x,y) = (220", -145") Yohkoh SXT will track the brightest pixel in the AR, with a (5.'2 x 5.'2) field of view. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The target for Max Millenium Campaign #6 on 21-Mar-00 will continue to be AR 8910, despite the possibility that AR 8918 may produce major flares. The co-ordinates are as follows. Target AR 8910 on 21-Mar-00 at Yohkoh Pass 4 06:35 UT Heliographic Coordinates : N 12.3 W 40.6 SoHO X-Y : (x,y) = (612", 291") Yohkoh SXT will track the brightest pixel in the AR, with a (5.'2 x 5.'2) field of view, until 22-Mar-00 03:20 UT, when we may change the target. Tomorrow, on 22-Mar-00, we have another opportunity, at 06:45 UT, to command the satellite. So there may be a special sequence between the two uplinks. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The target for Max Millenium Campaign #6 on 22-Mar-00 will be AR 8910, despite the fact that AR 8918 has been responsible for some of the flares within the last 24 hours. EIT images indicate that the last M-class flare at 01:20 UT on 22-Mar-00 came from AR 8910. Yohkoh/SXT will track the brightest pixel in the AR, with a (5.'2 x 5.'2) field of view. The co-ordinates are as follows. Target AR 8910 on 22-Mar-00 at Yohkoh Pass 2 06:45 UT Heliographic Coordinates : N 12.3 W 55.1 SoHO X-Y : (x,y) = (772", 269") -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The M1.5 flare at 00:30 UT on 23-Mar-00 occurred in the middle of Yohkoh daylight, but SXT was looking at a wrong place -- the active region selection was probably fooled by AR 8910 being as bright as the flaring region. Was the flare in AR 8916 in the NE quadrant? We have no access to the latest EIT data so do not know. Anyway, the target for Max Millenium Campaign #6 on 23-Mar-00 will continue to be AR 8910. Yohkoh/SXT will track the brightest pixel in the AR, with a (5.'2 x 5.'2) field of view. The co-ordinates are as follows. Target AR 8910 on 23-Mar-00 at Yohkoh Pass 3 05:15 UT Heliographic Coordinates : N 11.5 W 66.7 SoHO X-Y : (x,y) = (866", 236") We will probably change the target for 24-Mar-00, so please stay tuned in. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is just to report, with great regret, that Yohkoh missed another X-class flare which peaked around 07:50 UT on 24 March 2000. The flare almost completely coincided with Yohkoh night (07:30-08:05 UT), followed by SAA (07:56-08:12 UT). We have no information at the moment as to the location of this flare. In a couple of hours, we will send out our target for tomorrow, between 24-Mar-00 22:46 UT and 25-Mar-00 05:33 UT. After this interval, we will have to run a weekend sequence, i.e., to let spacecraft pick the target. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- According to the NOAA event report, the X1.8 flare at 07:50 UT on 24 March occurred in AR 8917. Therefore we will observe this region between 00:26 UT and 05:33 UT on 25 March. Yohkoh/SXT will track the brightest pixel in the AR, with a (5.'2 x 5.'2) field of view. After 05:33 UT until 27-Mar-00 00:48 UT (over the weekend), we will have no control on the target selection, meaning that the brightest region will be observed. The co-ordinates are as follows. Target AR 8917 on 25-Mar-00 at Yohkoh Pass 1 00:26 UT Heliographic Coordinates : N 18.5 W 60.8 SoHO X-Y : (x,y) = (797", 353")