Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 01:53:41 -0700 (PDT) From: Rock Bush To: mdiers@mdisas,, local@quake.Stanford.EDU Cc: Carolyn Yale Subject: Report from LaPalma Dick Shine and I have assembled a few images from the last week of observing with the Swedish Vacuum Solar Telescope at La Palma. We haven't had time to polish it, but we thought you would like to see some of the images that we have taken. I have managed to get them transferred to one of our computers at Goddard, and they can be found at: The following images are suggested to minimize the pain of displaying some of the data because the full gif images are 2 to 3 Mbytes each. In the files below, gband indicates images taken with a filter at 4308 Angstrom with a 12 Angstrom bandpass; c4507 indicates images taken with a filter at 4507 Angstrom with a 10 Angstrom bandpass. The "sunspot.gif" images are selected regions from the full image, the "sm.gif" images are binned versions of the full field. For differences, Dick Shine and I pointed the telescope at Mars one evening after sunset, and took the image labeled "mars_14jun99.gif". gband.10jun99.000824.sunspot.gif c4507.12jun99_112904.sunspot.gif c4507.13jun99_113705.sunspot.gif gband.13jun99_113603.sunspot.gif mars_14jun99.gif The observing run has been successful, the data taken on the 10 and 12th were on the sunspots in the MDI high resolution field. We had two days with runs with reasonable seeing for more than 8 hours. We also observed a C3.9 flare in H alpha on 11 June on the sunspot leaving the MDI high resolution field of view. Dick Shine may be able to get some of those images on the net in the next few days. Regards, Rock ps. I have included full gif images and fits files for selected images for those interested in more detail. Complete list of files: c4507.12jun99_112904.gif c4507.12jun99_112904.sunspot.fits c4507.12jun99_112904.sunspot.gif c4507.13jun99_113705.fits c4507.13jun99_113705.gif c4507.13jun99_113705.sunspot.fits c4507.13jun99_113705.sunspot.gif gband.10jun99.000824.sunspot.fits gband.10jun99.000824.sunspot.gif gband.13jun99_113603.fits gband.13jun99_113603.gif gband.13jun99_113603.sunspot.gif m42c_im13Jun99.006302.001411.fits m42c_im13Jun99.006302.001411.gif mars_14jun99.gif ------- End of forwarded message ------- >From Fri Jun 25 16:31:19 1999 Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 17:18:36 +0000 From: Peter Brandt To:,,,,,,, Cc:,,,,, Subject: SVST Observing Report: Wednesday 16-June-1999 SVST Observing Report: Wednesday 16-June-1999 Summary: Same set-up as 10 June 99. Very strong dust conditions (extinction approx. 50 %). Wind 7 m/s N in the morning with increasing variability of speed and change of direction to NE during the day. One 4-hr run from ~08:32 UT on AR8580 in G-band, WL4507 and H-alpha/6302; co-pointing wit TRACE. Then ~1.3 hr run on AR8585 (pos. approx. N38/E28 at 13 UT) in G-band, WL4507, and H-alpha/6302. After 16 UT a 1-hr H-alpha run on north pole co-pointing with Big Bear. Seeing continuously decreasing from very good to poor from morning to noon, bad in the afternoon. Observers: P. N. Brandt, R. Bush, R. Shine, M. Sobotka, L. Strous (R. Bush leaving at noon) Targets and runs (times in UT): 08:32 - 12:51 G-band, WL4507, and TF: SUNSPOTE, H-alpha/6302 WL4507 stopped 12:25 due to bad seeing. Exposure times nearly double compared to clear days. Run on AR8580; pointing was at S21/W20 (position at 08:30 UT). Quadcell tracking on the big spot. 13:05 - 15:25 G-band, WL4507, and TF: SUNSPOTE, H-alpha/6302 WL4507 stopped 14:12 due to bad seeing. Run on AR8585; FOV pointing at N37/E28 at 13 UT. Quadcell tracking on biggest spot of the goup. 16:08 - 17:09 TF: SUNSPOTD, H-alpha only Run on north pole co-pointing with Big Bear; poor seeing. Seeing and weather: Very strong dust conditions all day ("calima"). Wind 7 m/s N in the morning with increasing variability of speed; change of direction to NE during the day. Seeing continuously decreasing from very good to poor from morning to noon. Setup: Same as 10 June 99. 1. G-band 4305A beam: Megaplus 4.2 1:1 imaging; FOV approx. 160 arcsec^2 Gain = +6 dB; Royac 14 computer m42a control program 2. White light beam: 450.7 nm (0.91 nm FWHM) Megaplus 4.2 Lumogen 1:1 imaging; FOV approx. 160 arcsec^2 Gain = +6 dB; Royac 11 computer m42b control prog. 3. SOUP Filter: Megaplus 4.2 3:4 demagn.; FOV approx. 220 arcsec^2 Gain = +6 dB; Royac 13 computer m42c control prog. Technical problems: None. Plans for tomorrow: AR8585 Cheers, P. Brandt + colleagues ----------------------------------------------------------------------- >From Fri Jun 25 16:31:24 1999 Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 17:19:47 +0000 From: Peter Brandt To:,,,,,,, Cc:,,,,, Subject: SVST Observing Report: Thursday 17-June-1999 SVST Observing Report: Thursday 17-June-1999 Summary: Same set-up as 10 June 99. Very strong dust conditions (extinction > 50 %), some clouds. Strong gusty wind from NE all day. Two approx. 1-hr runs on AR8585 in G-band, WL4507 and H-alpha/6302 co-pointing wit TRACE, one in the morning, one in the afternoon. From 8:30 UT on a two-ribbon flare was recorded in H-alpha. Seeing fair to poor. Observers: P. N. Brandt, R. Shine, M. Sobotka, L. Strous (R. Shine leaving at noon) Targets and runs (times in UT): 07:55 - 09:17 G-band, WL4507 08:12 - 09:17 TF: SUNSPOTE, H-alpha/6302 Runs on AR8585; pointing was at N37/E23 (position at 08 UT). Quadcell tracking on the big spot. Exposure times nearly double compared to clear days. 15:12 - 15:55 G-band, WL4507, and TF: SUNSPOTE, H-alpha/6302 Run on AR8585. Quadcell tracking on the big spot. Seeing and weather: Very strong dust conditions all day. Strong gusty wind from NE. Seeing fair to poor. Both runs stopped due to clouds. Setup: Same as 10 June 99. 1. G-band 4305A beam: Megaplus 4.2 1:1 imaging; FOV approx. 160 arcsec^2 Gain = +6 dB; Royac 14 computer m42a control program 2. White light beam: 450.7 nm (0.91 nm FWHM) Megaplus 4.2 Lumogen 1:1 imaging; FOV approx. 160 arcsec^2 Gain = +6 dB; Royac 11 computer m42b control prog. 3. SOUP Filter: Megaplus 4.2 3:4 demagn.; FOV approx. 220 arcsec^2 Gain = +6 dB; Royac 13 computer m42c control prog. Technical problems: None. Plans for tomorrow: AR8585 Cheers, P. Brandt + colleagues ----------------------------------------------------------------------- >From Fri Jun 25 16:31:31 1999 Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 17:07:01 +0000 From: Peter Brandt To:,,,,,,, Cc:,,,,, Subject: SVST Observing Report: Friday 18-June-1999 SVST Observing Report: Friday 18-June-1999 Summary: Same set-up as 10 June 99. Some dust and and cirrus clouds most of the day. Gusty wind 8-14 m/s from NE all day. One 8-hr run from ~8 UT on pointing at AR8585 in G-band, WL4507 and H-alpha/6302, co-pointing wit TRACE. Seeing poor to fair, single good frames. Observers: P. N. Brandt, M. Sobotka, L. Strous (L. Strous leaving at noon) Targets and runs (times in UT): 08:06 - 16:11 G-band, WL4507 08:14 - 16:11 TF: SUNSPOTE, H-alpha/6302 Runs on AR8585; pointing was at N38/E09 (position at 08 UT) co-pointing with TRACE. One 12-min interruption at 10:16 UT. Quadcell tracking on the big spot. AO running from 10:30 UT on. Seeing and weather: Some dust, gusty wind 8-14 m/s from NE. Seeing poor to fair, some good frames. Setup: Same as 10 June 99. 1. G-band 4305A beam: Megaplus 4.2 1:1 imaging; FOV approx. 160 arcsec^2 Gain = +6 dB; Royac 14 computer m42a control program 2. White light beam: 450.7 nm (0.91 nm FWHM) Megaplus 4.2 Lumogen 1:1 imaging; FOV approx. 160 arcsec^2 Gain = +6 dB; Royac 11 computer m42b control prog. 3. SOUP Filter: Megaplus 4.2 3:4 demagn.; FOV approx. 220 arcsec^2 Gain = +6 dB; Royac 13 computer m42c control prog. Technical problems: None. Plans for tomorrow (Saturday, 19 June 99): AR8585 Cheers, P. Brandt + colleagues ----------------------------------------------------------------------- >From Fri Jun 25 16:31:39 1999 Date: Sat, 19 Jun 1999 17:31:08 +0000 From: Peter Brandt To:,,,,,,, Cc:,,,,, Subject: SVST Observing Report: Saturday 19-June-1999 SVST Observing Report: Saturday 19-June-1999 Summary: Same set-up as 10 June 99. Some dust, no clouds all day. Wind decreasing from 6 to 3 m/s, turning from N to NE. One approx. 8.7-hr run from ~8 UT on, pointing at AR8585 in G-band, WL4507, and H-alpha/6302; co-pointing with TRACE. Some minor flare activity was observed between 10:30 and 11 UT. Seeing variable - mostly fair; several sets of very good frames. Observers: P. N. Brandt, M. Sobotka Targets and runs (times in UT): 07:54 - 17:13 G-band, WL4507, and TF: SUNSPOTE, H-alpha/6302 (interruption 15:39-16:12 UT due to bad seeing) Run on AR8585; FOV centered at N38/W03 (position at 08 UT) co-pointing with TRACE. Some minor flare activity was observed between 10:30 and 11 UT. Quadcell tracking on the big spot. AO running most of the time on the largest pore W of the main spot. Seeing and weather: Some dust, weak wind 3-6 m/s from NE. Seeing variable - mostly fair; several sets of very good frames. Setup: Same as 10 June 99. 1. G-band 4305A beam: Megaplus 4.2 1:1 imaging; FOV approx. 160 arcsec^2 Gain = +6 dB; Royac 14 computer m42a control program 2. White light beam: 450.7 nm (0.91 nm FWHM) Megaplus 4.2 Lumogen 1:1 imaging; FOV approx. 160 arcsec^2 Gain = +6 dB; Royac 11 computer m42b control prog. 3. SOUP Filter: Megaplus 4.2 3:4 demagn.; FOV approx. 220 arcsec^2 Gain = +6 dB; Royac 13 computer m42c control prog. Technical problems: None. Plans for tomorrow (Sunday, 20 June 99): AR8585, co-pointing with TRACE Cheers, P. Brandt, M. Sobotka ----------------------------------------------------------------------- >From Fri Jun 25 16:31:51 1999 Date: Sun, 20 Jun 1999 17:09:27 +0000 From: Peter Brandt To:,,,,,,, Cc:,,,,, Subject: SVST Observing Report: Sunday 20-June-1999 SVST Observing Report: Sunday 20-June-1999 Summary: Same set-up as 10 June 99. Some dust, no clouds all day. Wind decreasing from 6 to 3 m/s, turning from NE to E. One 3-hr run from ~8 UT on, pointing at AR8585 in G-band, WL4507, and H-alpha/6302; co-pointing with TRACE. Seeing variable, mostly fair, then degrading. Observers: P. N. Brandt, M. Sobotka Targets and runs (times in UT): 07:55 - 11:01 G-band, WL4507, and TF: SUNSPOTE, H-alpha/6302 Run on AR8585; FOV centered at N35/W10 (position at 08 UT) co-pointing with TRACE. Run was stopped after 11 UT due to bad seeing (we apologize, but - yes folks, also this happens at SVST...). Quadcell tracking on the big spot. AO running on the separate core of the main spot. Seeing and weather: Wind decreasing from 6 to 3 m/s, turning from NE to E. Some dust, no clouds all day. Seeing variable, mostly fair, then degrading. Setup: Same as 10 June 99. 1. G-band 4305A beam: Megaplus 4.2 1:1 imaging; FOV approx. 160 arcsec^2 Gain = +6 dB; Royac 14 computer m42a control program 2. White light beam: 450.7 nm (0.91 nm FWHM) Megaplus 4.2 Lumogen 1:1 imaging; FOV approx. 160 arcsec^2 Gain = +6 dB; Royac 11 computer m42b control prog. 3. SOUP Filter: Megaplus 4.2 3:4 demagn.; FOV approx. 220 arcsec^2 Gain = +6 dB; Royac 13 computer m42c control prog. Technical problems: None. Plans for tomorrow (Monday, 21 June 99): AR8585, co-pointing with TRACE Cheers, P. Brandt, M. Sobotka ----------------------------------------------------------------------- >From Fri Jun 25 16:31:57 1999 Date: Mon, 21 Jun 1999 18:10:39 +0000 From: Peter Brandt To:,,,,,,, Cc:,,,,, Subject: SVST Observing Report: Monday 21-June-1999 SVST Observing Report: Monday 21-June-1999 Summary: Same set-up as 10 June 99. Some dust, no clouds all day. Wind < 3 m/s, varying from W to E. One run from ~8 to 18 UT with two interruptions: 1.5 hr at 10:14 UT and 2 hr at 12:23 UT. Pointing was at AR8585 in G-band, WL4507, and H-alpha/6302, co-pointing with TRACE. Seeing variable, poor to fair, many good frames after 16 UT. Observers: P. N. Brandt, M. Sobotka Targets and runs (times in UT): 07:56 - 18:04 G-band, WL4507, and TF: SUNSPOTE, H-alpha/6302 Run on AR8585; FOV centered at N37/W22 (position at 08 UT) co-pointing with TRACE. Minor flare activity around 10 UT to the W of the main spot. The two little spots developed small penumbra in the course of the day, the smaller one lost it after ~16 UT. Run was stopped 10:14-11:45 and 12:23-14:33 UT due to bad seeing. Quadcell tracking on the big spot. AO running on the smallest member of the spot group. Seeing and weather: Wind < 3 m/s varying from W to E. Some dust, no clouds all day. Seeing variable poor to fair, many good frames after 16 UT. Setup: Same as 10 June 99. 1. G-band 4305A beam: Megaplus 4.2 1:1 imaging; FOV approx. 160 arcsec^2 Gain = +6 dB; Royac 14 computer m42a control program 2. White light beam: 450.7 nm (0.91 nm FWHM) Megaplus 4.2 Lumogen 1:1 imaging; FOV approx. 160 arcsec^2 Gain = +6 dB; Royac 11 computer m42b control prog. 3. SOUP Filter: Megaplus 4.2 3:4 demagn.; FOV approx. 220 arcsec^2 Gain = +6 dB; Royac 13 computer m42c control prog. Technical problems: One screw fastened at the fromt plate of the AO mirror, then readjustment of this mirror. Plans for tomorrow (Tuesday, 22 June 99): AR8585, co-pointing with TRACE - last day of the campaign. Cheers, P. Brandt, M. Sobotka ----------------------------------------------------------------------- >From Fri Jun 25 16:32:04 1999 Date: Tue, 22 Jun 1999 16:09:35 +0000 From: Peter Brandt To:,,,,,,, Cc:,,,,, Subject: SVST Observing Report: Tuesday 22-June-1999 SVST Observing Report: Tuesday 22-June-1999 Summary: Same set-up as 10 June 99. Some dust, no clouds, no wind all day. One run from ~8 to 10 UT pointing at AR8585 in G-band, WL4507, and H-alpha/6302, co-pointing with TRACE. Seeing variable, fair to poor - after 10 UT lousy. Observers: P. N. Brandt, M. Sobotka (arrival of J. A. Bonet 21 June) Targets and runs (times in UT): 07:58 - 10:08 G-band, WL4507, and TF: SUNSPOTE, H-alpha/6302 Run on AR8585; FOV centered at N35/W39 (position at 08 UT) co-pointing with TRACE. No activity was seen in this region during the run. In the begin some fair frames; at 10:08 UT the run was stopped due to bad seeing. Quadcell tracking on the big spot. AO running on the smallest member of the spot group. Seeing and weather: Wind < 2 m/s. Some dust, no clouds all day. Seeing variable fair to poor, lousy after 10 UT. Setup: Same as 10 June 99. 1. G-band 4305A beam: Megaplus 4.2 1:1 imaging; FOV approx. 160 arcsec^2 Gain = +6 dB; Royac 14 computer m42a control program 2. White light beam: 450.7 nm (0.91 nm FWHM) Megaplus 4.2 Lumogen 1:1 imaging; FOV approx. 160 arcsec^2 Gain = +6 dB; Royac 11 computer m42b control prog. 3. SOUP Filter: Megaplus 4.2 3:4 demagn.; FOV approx. 220 arcsec^2 Gain = +6 dB; Royac 13 computer m42c control prog. Technical problems: None. Plans for tomorrow (Wednesday, 23 June 99): Travelling. We thank all co-operating colleagues of the TRACE and SOHO teams for their kind support! Cheers, P. Brandt, M. Sobotka -----------------------------------------------------------------------