Publications of the Meudon group written using SOHO and ground-based data obtained during cmp_390 in the period of 21-29 Sept. 1996 Refereed publications: 1. Schmieder B., Heinzel P., Kucera T., Vial J.C., Filament Observations with SOHO SUMER/CDS: The behaviour of Lyman Lines, 1998, Solar Physics, in press. 2. Aulanier G., D'emoulin P., van Driel-Gesztelyi L., Mein P., DeForest C.: 1998, ``3-D magnetic configuration supporting prominences II. The lateral feet as a perturbation of a twisted flux-tube'', Astron. Astrophys., 335, 309-322. 3. Aulanier G., D'emoulin P., Mein, N., van Driel-Gesztelyi L., Mein P., and Schmieder, B.: 1998, ``3-D magnetic configuration supporting prominences III. Evolution of fine structures observed in a filament channel'', submitted to Astron. Astrophys. Conference papers: 1. Wiik, J.E., Schmieder B., Kucera T., Poland A., Coordinated observations of prominences with Sumer/CDS and ground observatories ASP Conference Series 118- ASPE meeting, Canaries Oct. 1996, 276. 2. Kucera T., Wiik J.E., Schmieder B., Poland A., Simnett G., Helical Structure in Eruptive Prominence related to a CME (SUMER,CDS,LASCO),1998, IAU 167 Colloquium, Aussois, ASP conference series, Vol 150. 3. Mein, J. E. Wiik, B. Schmieder, J.-M. Malherbe, O. Engvold, J. B. Zirker, A. I. Poland, P. Brekke, J.-P. Delaboudini`ere, and J. Staiger, Velocity fields of filament barbs observed with ground-based telescopes and from SOHO 1998, IAU 167 Colloquium Aussois, ASP conference series, Vol 150. 4. van Driel-Gesztelyi, L., Schmieder B., Aulanier, G., D'emoulin, P. Martens, P.C.H., Zarro, D., De Forest C., Thompson B., Saint Cyr, C., Kucera T., Burkepile, J.T., White, O.R., Hanaoka, Y., and Nitta, N.: 1997, ``Filament Disparition Brusque & CME'' in D. Webb, D. Rust and B. Schmieder (eds.) Proc. IAU Coll. 167, ASP Conference Series, in press. 5. Aulanier G., Schmieder B., D'emoulin P., van Driel L., DeForest C., Non Potentiality of Coronal Loops above Active Regions, 1998, ASP conferences Series , Preveza, in press. 6. van Driel-Gesztelyi L., Mein P., Mein N., Schmieder B., Malherbe J.-M., DeForest C.: 1998, Filament observed during SOHO campaign in C. Alissandrakis and B. Schmieder (eds.) Proc. 2nd ASPE, Preveza, Greece, Oct. 1997., in press. 7. van Driel Gesztelyi L., Schmieder B., Aulanier G., D'emoulin P., Vial J.C. , Kucera T., Nitta N., Saba J., DeForest, C., Delaboudini`ere J.P., Gurman J.P., Mein P., Malherbe J.M., Global Magnetic field Evolution Related to the Instability of a filament, 1998, IAU 167 Colloquium, Aussois, ASP conference series, Vol 150. 8. Aulanier, G., Schmieder, B., D'emoulin, P., Mein, N., van Driel, L., Mein, P., Vial, J.C., Deforest, C., 3D Modeling of a filament observation in H-alpha and with SOHO, 1998, Tenerife, ESA SP-417, eds Harris R.A., Moreno-Insertis F., Priest E.R. 9. Aulanier G., Demoulin P., van Driel-Gesztelyi L., Mein P., DeForest C.: 1997, ``3-D Modelling of a Filament Observed in H-alpha and with SOHO/MDI'' in C. Alissandrakis and B. Schmieder (eds.) ``Three Dimensional Structure of Solar Active Regions'', Proc. 2nd ASPE, ASP Conf. Ser., in press. 10. Aulanier G., Schmieder B., van Driel, Tang, Demoulin P., Mein P., DeForest C., 3D magnetic Configurations for Filaments and Flares: the role of Dips and Bald patches, 1998, Cospar, Nagoya, Advances in Space Research. 11. Schmieder B., van Driel, Aulanier G., Demoulin P., Mein P., Thompson B., DeForest C., Wiik J.E., Simnett G. CMEs and prominences observed in Halpha and with SOHO and Yohkoh, 1998, ISCS, Nagoya, Advances in Space Research.