1. Campaign # 1380 Summary of SOHO observations made April 29-30, 1997 The SOHO side of the EUV/Radio campaign on April 29 and 30 was, as far as we can tell, successful. We summarize each instrument briefly below. SUMER observations were made repetitively on the central meridian, centered near 20S, waiting for a filament and filament channel in the SE quadrant to cross the slit. The northern fragments of the selected filament crossed the slit at about 15:00 on the 30th, judging by a BBSO H-alpha image at that time. Noting that the solar rotation carried the filament across the disk at a rate of approximately 9.4" per hour, and that the filament fragments were at least 30" across, the SUMER scans on central meridian needed to be made every 3 hours or so to record the filament. Since our multi-line, dual-scan program was repeated at least every 2 hours on that day, we are confident that the filament was scanned at least twice. Earlier and later scans crossed the filament channel several times during the observations. CDS observations mapped the filament and filament channel just to the east of the SUMER scans. Preliminary examination of the Mg IX rasters shows the filament in absorption, the channel by absence of emission, and the bordering loops in emission. The 16-line program seems to have run successfully, although we have not examined all the images. Similarly, to the best of our knowledge, the 4-line full-disk synoptic program also ran successfully. EIT images of the full disk at 171, 195, 284 and 304 A for April 29 and 30 may be seen on the SOHO Web page. These will supplement the CDS and SUMER data, Ground-based images from BBSO, Meudon, Holloman, are available for inspection on the SOHO Web pages, as are the 17-GHz maps made at Nobeyama. In the near future, we will be asking the observers for access to their data, and will provide our SOHO campaign data to all of the members of our campaign. Edward Schmahl