Publications using data obtained on May 1, 1996 on the trial day of cmp_5: Refereed publications: 1. Wiik, J.E., Schmieder B., Kucera T., Poland A., Simnett G. Eruptive prominence and associated CME observed by SUMER, CDS and LASCO (SOHO), 1997, Solar Physics, 175, 411. Conference papers: 1. Wiik J.E., Schmieder B., Kucera T. and Poland A., 1997, Coordinated observations of the disappearance of the prominence of May 1, 1996 (SOHO, Meudon) Themis Forum Nov. 1996, 303. 2. Kucera T., Wiik J.E., Schmieder B., Poland A., Simnett G. Helical Structure in Eruptive Prominence related to a CME (SUMER,CDS,LASCO), 1998, IAU 167 Colloquium, Aussois, ASP conference series, Vol 150. 3. Schmieder B., van Driel-Gesztelyi L., Wiik J.E., Kucera T., Thompson B., De Forest C., Saint Cyr C. and Simnett G., Prominence Activity related to CME observed by SOHO, Yohkoh and Meudon 1997, 5th SOHO workshop in Oslo, ESA, SP 404, 663. 4. Schmieder B., van Driel, Aulanier G., Demoulin P., Mein P., Thompson B., DeForest C., Wiik J.E., Simnett G., CMEs and prominences observed in Halpha and with SOHO and Yohkoh, 1998, ISCS, Nagoya, Advances in Space Research.