Friday 30 September 2005
1. Boundary conditions
- SOHO is right side up until the next manoeuvre, scheduled for
17 December.
- Scheduling windows for keyhole periods through 2005 are listed on
the SOHO calendar. For estimated keyhole dates through 2008 see
- Except for Major Flare Watches, TRACE will be doing full disk
mosaics if/when EIT is not able to do synoptic sets due to keyhole
- MDI continuous contacts are listed in Section 2 a) below and on the
SOHO calendar.
- KNOWN submode dependent activities & submode changes:
* TOO JOP153/MMOP003 Future Major Flare Watch (SM5 if SUMER
observes target, SM6 otherwise)
* TOO JOP175 Extended Filaments at the Limb (see sect. 2a), SM6
* Oct 6-17 JOP183 Quiet Sun Fine Structures, SM5
* Oct 18 Submode change to Submode 6, ~15 UT, TBC
* Oct 19,26 EIT Shutterless #21, SM6, TBC
* Nov 15 EUNIS/MOSES launch, SM6, Date TBC
* Dec 3-20 26m Keyhole (Dec 6-17 34m Keyhole), SM5 or SM6(end)
* 06/05/01-06/06/15 SUMER Campaign
* 06/11/01-06/12/15 SUMER Campaign
- EIT Bakeout/Other
- TRACE Eclipse period
* Oct 14-Feb 17 TRACE Hard Eclipse Season
EUV absorption has already started. At some point after October 14,
a less frequent load schedule will go into effect.
- Commanding outlook - see
2. Priorities for the coming month & more
a) Joint observing plans and campaigns
Continuing campaigns:
* 2002/02/25-- JOP136 Default RHESSI Collaborations (#6850), POC:Stein Haugan
* 2002/04/25-- JOP159 CMEs in Lyman-alpha (#6870), SWAN/LASCO/EIT/UVCS,
POC: Chris St Cyr, Eric Quemerais
* 2003/05/13-- Default CDS Co-observations with TRACE (#6950)
* 2003/07/01-- Network-Internetwork Oscillations (#7033), EIT/TRACE,
POC: Scott McIntosh
* 2004/02/19-- JOP175 Extended Filaments at the Limb (#7135),
POC: Chris St Cyr (
* 2005/09/20-- JOP153/MMOP003 Future Major Flare Watch (#8004)
Campaign #6850 is for "individual instrument studies" selecting an AR
target [partially] influenced by the Max Millennium target selection
to maximise chances of serendipitous co-observations.
EIT supports all with half/full-res 195 Å CME watch in submode 5/6,
except JOP175 getting half/full-res 304 Å CME watch in submode 5/6,
and Network-Internetwork Oscillations which is TBD by Scott
McIntosh. As long as the S/C is in submode 6, all EIT CME watch
will be in full res. Major Flare Watches will be in full-res even if
it requires a submode change, unless the target is observed by
JOP175 is being run right now, with 304 CME watch in half
resolution, will be on standby until October 14 when TRACE hard
eclipses start, and will then be listed as a top-priority TOO for
February 18-27 and March 17-30.
* Sep 23-Oct 17 Magnetic Elements and Waves in the Chromosphere (#7156),
MDI: This overlaps with a 5-day continuous contact period, Oct
12-16. HR Mag/Doppler program likely for the continuous contact
period if target in the high res FOV.
* Oct 6-17 JOP183 Quiet Sun Fine Structures,
POC: Georgia Tsiropoula (
CDS studies (by Peter Young) and SUMER studies are now in place.
MDI: We have a La Palma coordination from Sept 23 - Oct 17 and an
MDI 5 Day CC from Oct 12-16. We can only support Fine Scale
Structures with what we are providing to La Palma (which will likely
be what we do for CC). I believe both La Palma and Fine Scale
Structures has requested HR Mag/Doppler/Filt, so if they can both
pick targets close together, MDI should be able to provide support
for both!
The scheduling conflict between this JOP and #7156 (above) will be
handled on a day to day basis by the planners.
Submode changes for this will be on October 4 and 18.
* Oct 12-16 MDI Continuous Contact
MDI: High res Mag/Doppler or 3-variable high res program likely
since there has been interest expressed by several collaborators,
provided the targets are in the MDI high res FOV.
We expect to have New Norcia passes on October 14, 15, and 16 to
cover the view gap between Canberra and Madrid.
* Oct 17-22 CME Signatures in 284 A, EIT, POC:, TBC
Note: This request is to run 284 Angstrom CME Watch, and would be in
conflict with other programs that assume 195 CME Watch. In addition, such
a request would result in a much higher than usual degradation of the
instrument response. It is therefore likely to be run only between the
October 19 Shutterless and the 01:00 synoptic set on October 22.
Jan Rybak has agreed to a change in EIT plans.
* Oct 17-21 JOP179 Energy Propagation in XBPs, CDS/EIT/MDI/Hida, 21-06 UT,
POC: Tetsuya Watanabe (
NOTE: Dates shifted 1 day earlier after August meeting.
CDS will support, but needs more details. CDS support for JOP179 and
JOP182 can be run at different times.
MDI: We have a conflict with JOP182 now. JOP182 has asked for Full
HR FOV observations from MDI for Oct 20-24. MDI will be happy to
support JOP179 from Oct 18-20, but will have to switch to HR Oct 20
if requested to do so by JOP182. Unfortunately, JOP179 was planned
a year ago and JOP182 cannot move their timing since TRACE will be
approaching eclipse season, so MDI will have to split JOP179's time
(unless, of course, they both want FD or HR at the same time)!
EIT support is 195 Å CME watch (submode 6)
* Oct 18-31 JOP171 Solar Network Variability and Dynamics,
CDS/SST/DOT, POC: Peter Gomory (
* Oct 18-31 Spectroscopy and Imaging Tomography of Solar Fibrils,
Note: The two programs are mutually supportive. Jan Rybak is
contacting Daniel Brown (JOP182) to see if some cooperation can
be established by advance reporting of the JOP182 targets. Jan
and Peter are aware of the issues below and are ok with them.
EIT 195 Å CME watch should meet requests for both JOPs 179 and 171,
except during shutterless campaign periods, as soon as we're in
submode 6.
During the times that JOP182 and JOP179 run, Jan and Peter will get
whatever MDI is doing to support JOP182 and JOP179. From Jan's most
recent message, it sounds like he really wants MDI HR Mags and
Continuum, which if things go well, we will be getting for JOP179
and JOP182. Please note, however, that Peter and Jan's requests
come much later than the requests from JOP179 or JOP182 AND there is
already a conflict just between those two JOP's. MDI had committed
MDI to JOP179 a long time ago and forgot about it, then giving
commitment to JOP182. Thus, it's going to be a real juggling act to
get those two JOP's support already. Unfortunately, Peter and Jan
will just have to take what they get until after Oct 24, then we can
do more of what Peter and Jan request. I would say for sure that a
3 variable FULL DISK campaign is very likely out of the question
until after Oct. 24. What will probably happen is some HR Full FOV
Mag/2x2binned Doppler with a Continuum every 60 minutes, some 3
variable HR extract observations and then Full Disk Mags and
Dopplergrams with a Continuum every 96 minutes otherwise.
Jan Rybak prefers a 3-variable campaign, but intensitygrams for
coalignment and magnetograms will do, as will just magnetograms,
if nothing else is possible.
TRACE has conflict with JOP182 October 20-24, below, but will
otherwise support for as long as EUV absorptions/eclipses permit.
* Oct 19, 26 EIT Shutterless #21, 17:00-19:40 UT,
POC: Maria Madjarska (
This shutterless will be run in 195 Angstrom.
The submode change on October 18 to submode 6 is needed for this.
* Oct 20-24 JOP182 Structure and Dynamics of Coronal XRBPs, CDS/MDI/TRACE,
POC: Daniel Brown (
We have requested extra DSN coverage for this period, and the
schedule has improved quite a bit. The current schedule can be
found at (and the
following week).
MDI: See above comment to JOP179. JOP182 wants HR Full FOV
Mag/Doppler from MDI and JOP179 wants FD Mag/Doppler from MDI. I
believe MDI may have to cut the JOP179 support short. Details can
be worked out closer to the observing times.
* Nov 9-13 MDI Continuous Contact
Default plan is FD Mag/Doppler.
We are looking into having New Norcia covering gaps/dovetailing
handovers between Canberra and Madrid.
* Nov 15 Sounding Rocket Launch, MOSES/CDS/EIT/MDI/TRACE, POC: Charles
Kankelborg (, TBC
* Nov 15 Sounding Rocket Launch, EUNIS/EIT/CDS/TRACE/VLA,
* Nov 16 Backup Launch Day for MOSES and EUNIS
NOTE modified after meeting: There seems to be a launch delay
coming, stay tuned. Then we go another round to ask for backup
stations, if not successful, we get another discussion about
recording. Charles and Jeff are discussing what their request will
be - some MDI high rate data (full disk magnetograms) are requested
for the MOSES launch, which means we will not be in record, at least
for some part of the applicable time interval. The MOSES & EUNIS
launches will probably take place about 30 minutes apart (or more).
MDI requests that the recording be kept as short as possible to
reduce the impact on MDI high rate times.
Exact EIT details TBD, but will probably schedule a synoptic set plus
additional full-res images.
b) Intercalibration activities
Last Intercal 1: August 4, August 25 (both GIS only)
* Week 40 ICAL01 (#7113), CDS/EIT/SUMER
SUMER wishes to participate, assuming detector A works (TBC).
* Week 44 ICAL01 (#7113), CDS/EIT
c) Individual instrument plans
See section 2a for MDI continuous contact periods.
MDI may reduce the ALT cadence during Keyholes to be less than 15 ALT
magnetograms per day if the lack of high rate telemetry is such that
we will lose all or almost all of the 15 ALT Magnetograms each day.
The ALT cadence will be decided on an individual Keyhole basis and
even a daily basis during each Keyhole depending on the 70m antenna
availability at the time.
All requests for MDI support need to be made several months ahead of
time and sent to Even outside keyholes,
MDI can only do 1-minute cadence observations when we have contact and
there is no recorder dump in progress.
MDI's REQUEST page is at NOTE: Listing of a
study on that page means *only* that a request has been received, not
that it will necessarily be supported.
A description of MDI Observing Modes most used for JOPs and campaigns
(FD vs. HR) can be found at
Anyone requesting MDI observations is encouraged to read this page in
order to have a better idea of what observing modes would be best suited
for a particular study. More detailed information about how MDI
operates, observational constraints and telemetry information can be
found at
UVCS turned on its LyA detector earlier in August. Recommissioning
and calibrations have been performed to characterize the detector
and associated mechanisms. The detector is performing well. We have
been making observations using the LyA detector for measurements of
suprathermal seed particle populations in the extended corona. Good
data have been obtained and are being analyzed. We plan to use the
LyA detector for special observations in the future when
For weekly plans, see the SOHO calendar and the UVCS planning page:
The following are listed because of NRT requirements or as candidates
for collaboration (with e.g. CDS):
* Sep 28-Oct 09 UVCS Streamer Study
* Oct 10-18 UVCS Coronal Hole Observations
* Oct 17 UVCS Star Observations of Spica
* Oct 19-30 UVCS Suprathermal Seed Particle Population Measurements
* Oct 31-NOv 06 UVCS Coronal Hole Observations
See their request diary for details:
SUMER is currently off. They will be turning on October 5.
The SUMER campaign will be reduced to October 6 to 18 with the
A-Detector (if it is still usable). During this period SUMER will
support the JOP183 and JOP161 if that is rescheduled. In addition,
there will be high cadence maps of quiet Sun in Lyman-Alpha and
velocity maps of Ne VIII and O IV.
The TRACE Mission will not be terminated on 1 October. NASA has
decided to have a Senior Review of all Sun-Solar System missions this
fall, the outcome of which will determine the level of support (or no
support) for each mission in the future. TRACE operations will
therefore continue through at least the rest of the year, especially
through the summer observing season in the northern hemisphere.
NOTE that TRACE in general reserves the right to withdraw support from
agreed, existing collaborations if a sufficiently "good active region"
is called by the Max Millennium group.
TRACE eclipse season will start October 14, expected to end February
3. AOB
* Next SPWG:
F Oct 28 SPWG after Daily/Weekly Meetings
The rest are FYI items:
* If anyone has projects that require high rate (i.e. 1 minute
cadence) MDI support, now is a good time to ask! If you need MDI
data, make sure you request it specifically. There is no significant
change in the shutter performance over the last 10 months;
monitoring continues, but no immediate changes in operations are
* DSN support should be requested at least 6 months in advance. Keep
this in mind for: ground-based collaborations that require MDI
support, stellar/shutterless observations that require NRT, etc.